Flexibility Yoga

Flexibility Yoga

Flexibility Yoga is named as a practice to improve your flexibility. It’s a key part of maintaining your health as well as avoiding inquiry when you practice advanced asanas. Many times you can feel several different phases of opening as you stay in a pose for longer. It does not change overnight, however. For best results, we think of this class for your stretches to open such muscles so that it will ease your yoga practices in your everyday life and make your body and mind healthy.  Most people are lacking flexibility in three major muscles groups: hamstrings, hips, and shoulders. These three areas tend to get even more tight from sitting for long periods or even from other types of exercise, like running.

The Hamstrings

The muscles running along the backs of your thighs are the hamstrings. Most people are pretty tight in this area, but it’s an important place to stretch because tight hamstrings can cause back pain among other types of discomfort. Forward bends are a great way to loosen this area.

The Hips

Hip flexibility is complicated because there are so many muscles packed into this small area. Poses that stretch the hip flexors, including the psoas, iliacus, and parts of the quadriceps and glutes, are a good way to accomplish greater freedom of movement in the hips.

The Shoulders

Like the hamstrings and hips, shoulders are another area that gets tight from too much riding in cars and sitting at desks. If possible, take stretch breaks at work to avoid serious repetitive stress injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome.

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    • Bhimsengola Marg-34, Baneshwor Spa Swimming Complex
    • Kathmandu, Nepal
    • Phone:+977-9803266533
    • zumbandu@gmail.com
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